The Original Zero Carb Pizza Crust

We've turned dreams into reality with this amazing No Carb Pizza Crust recipe! It's truly exceptional in every way.  All you need is 3 ingredients, about 15 minutes, and a bunch of delicious toppings of your choice.  We know you hate reading, so we put together a quick keto pizza crust recipe video here to show you exactly how to make this!

You're probably thinking this is just a normal, flimsy cheese crust pizza right?  I mean, how else would you make a no carb pizza crust?  Well, let me tell you a bit of an origin story for what is the definitive best keto pizza crust recipe we've ever tried.

We've found freshly grated parmesan cheese to add to the overall flavor and texture of this crust, but it's not required.  If all you can get is the can of grated parmesan, that's fine.  This can even work with shredded or shaved parmesan, but grated is preferred.

This is a Pizza crust! It's not one of those meatza behemoths that you've seen on the internet, although those are cool too.  This is an actual pizza crust that you can put toppings on and enjoy like you would a normal pizza.  There is a clear distinction between the toppings and the crust in the final product.  What more is there to say?  Go make this crust, you'll thank us later!



  • 10 oz Canned Chicken
  • 1 oz grated parmesan cheese
  • 1 large Egg


  1. Thoroughly drain the canned chicken, getting as much moisture out as possible.
  2. Spread chicken on a baking sheet lined with a silicon mat. Bake at 350 for 10 minutes to dry out the chicken.
  3. Once chicken is done baking for 10 minutes remove and place in a mixing bowl. Increase heat of oven to 500 degrees.
  4. Add cheese and egg to the bowl with chicken and mix.
  5. Pour mixture onto baking sheet lined with a silicon mat and spread thin. Placing parchment paper on top and using a rolling pin makes this easier.
  6. nexs The Original Zero Carb Pizza Crust for full instructions

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